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Grid Asset Management 2019

The first — and declared to be annual — Grid Asset Management takes place 14–16 May, in London.

This end-user driven and implementation focused conference provides smart grid asset management professionals with the tools and knowledge to meet the needs of the energy transition with advanced, digital asset management. The conference draws together 120+ leaders and experts from across Europe to benchmark their digitalisation roadmaps and discuss practical case studies demonstrating the use of next-generation technologies (such as IoT and its cyber security, augmented reality, Demand Response mechanisms) in optimising investment plans, streamlining asset management processes and monitoring asset health. Thus, Grid Asset Management 2019 will be dedicated to strategic insights and practical applications providing a smooth transition to digital asset management methods for decision accuracy, cost-effectiveness, and maximised asset lifecycles.

Alongside the case-study programme the event includes a Digital Twin tutorial, a series of end-user focused round table discussions, a technology innovation panel, live demo labs of the latest asset management platforms and tools, a solution zone featuring 10+ suppliers of state-of-the-art technologies and services, and an evening networking reception open to all participants.

The key information about the event:

The editorial boards pays our readers’ attention that a Very Early Bird rate Friday expires this Friday, 22 February. [smartgrid-forums.com]

Digital Substation
